Centro Educativo María Ossa de Amador

Panama City, Panama

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School details


Student population




Preschool to sixth grade


Year founded


About the school’s needs

Centro Educativo María Ossa de Amador is located in the diverse community of Parque Lefevre in Panama City, Panama. Residents come from Venezuela, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and other countries across Latin America.

There, basic infrastructural deficiencies negatively impact quality of life. Public roads have deteriorated, and a lack of sidewalks limits mobility for pedestrians and people with motor disabilities. Poor garbage management hinders the flow of water in the sewer, causing floods during the rainy season.

Boys and girls in the community face their own challenges. Parents are absent for much of the day, creating a lack of emotional and academic support at home. In this environment, school becomes an essential space not just for educational development, but for emotional health as well.

Your support of Centro Educativo María Ossa de Amador will give hundreds of students the resources they deserve. Sponsor this school to help kids feel safe and empowered to learn and grow.

Help give the children of Centro Educativo María Ossa de Amador the future they deserve.

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    What your sponsorship does at this school

    Below are the most pressing needs of Centro Educativo María Ossa de Amador. Your sponsorship will help meet these needs and provide greater opportunities for 602 students.

    • Purchase of new air conditioners and repair of existing ones
    • Installation of new water sources and repair of existing ones
    • Creation of a library space where children can study
    • Construction of a classroom for clubs
    • Improvements to common areas (tables and chairs for taking breaks)
    • Construction of a science lab
    • Improvements to the safety of the sports field
    • Extracurricular programs: Soccer, Art, Discovery, and Storytelling Clubs
    • Academic reinforcement programs in math and Spanish
    • Access to therapy sessions for children, with mental health professionals

    Meet the students

    “My name is Manuel. I’m 12. When I grow up, I would like to be a doctor so I can help people, have a stable job, and have a secure economic future.

    In my free time, I like to study, paint, and play guitar. 

    Young people in my community face bad influences every day. I hope to see them improve and study, so they can be an example for other generations. 

    I would like for my school to have companionship and no fights, with no one getting excluded and everyone paying attention in class.”

    —Manuel, 12

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    “My name is Kamila. I’m 12 years old. I’ve always dreamed of being a great veterinarian. And a professional in karate. In my free time, I like to draw and read. 

    Young people here struggle with economic problems. Some rebel and leave their homes. One of my hopes is that young people can change and understand how important values like respect are.

    I would like for my school to have a library and an infirmary.

    —Kamila, 12

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    Meet the principal

    “One of the biggest challenges that the school administration has is the ability to provide food in the dining room, to contribute to the successful physical development of the children. That is not the only challenge, however. Every day, we contend with parents who are absent when it comes to children’s academic support. The student population increasingly experiences circumstances in which they need mental health professionals, such as psychologists or social workers.

    As a school institution, we have gone through difficult circumstances. For instance, in 2020–2021, we were the victims of theft and vandalism. Although it was hard, we managed to overcome those setbacks together.

    On a daily basis, we like to make an extra effort to give personalized attention to each student who shows signs of experiencing academic difficulties. We believe that extracurricular programs provide strong support for students’ education, creating a sense of belonging and safe spaces for learning. 

    —Director Saturnino Hernandez

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    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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