Centro de Educación Básica Estado de Israel

Comayagüela, Honduras

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School details


Student population

449 students



First to ninth grade


Year founded


About the school’s needs

Flor del Campo is a community in Comayagüela, Honduras, the sister city of Tegucigalpa. It has a complex social context, with a history of insecurity, violence, and poverty.

One of the great challenges that inhabitants face is the presence of illicit activities. Another is the brokenness of some families, making migration an alternative that youth consider.

For the community, Centro de Educación Básica Estado de Israel represents a place of opportunity for girls and boys to get ahead.

By sponsoring this school, you will be providing essential resources to over 400 young people. Your sponsorship means everything from new infrastructure to the installation of fans in the classrooms and wall repairs, enabling a healthier learning environment.

Help give the children of Estado de Israel the future they deserve.

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We’ll reach out with next steps. Thank you for your support!

    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • Painting for the whole school
    • Change of iron gates
    • Lattices for the library
    • Concrete repair for the soccer field
    • Installation of fans for classrooms
    • Club classroom painting and wall repair
    • Microwave table
    • Water dispenser

    Meet the students


    “My name is Josué. I am 13 years old. My dream is to graduate, become a doctor, and go to another country to practice my profession. I would like to work in Spain, Russia, or the United States. I would also like my family to live better than me. 

    In my free time, I like to play soccer, watch TV, listen to music, sleep, and walk with friends and family. 

    Young people in my community face many challenges, including unequal opportunities, violence, a lack of coexistence, drugs, and family instability. 

    My dream is for everyone to have the opportunity to study and be prepared for the future. Through Sponsor a School, I want to see my school grow, with a high school and two soccer fields. These fields would give more importance to sports. I also want the school to have more classes in history and computing, among others.”

    —Josué, 13

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    “My name is Dulce, and I am 14 years old. I dream of becoming a forensic doctor in the United States. 

    I want to build a house with my family and visit another country. I also want my father to come to Honduras again so I can see him. 

    In my free time, I like to draw, watch movies and TV, go out with my mother and brothers, make crafts, and go out to eat. 

    The challenges that young people in my community face are a lack of money, little support from family members, and easy access to gangs. I want more security, peace, and quiet in my neighborhood, and for parents to have greater discipline with their children. 

    My greatest wish is that, through Sponsor a School, I can see my school with better furniture and a nicer appearance. I hope for new spaces to learn things like other languages, and I hope for more community.”

    —Dulce, 14

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    Meet the principal

    “My name is Héctor Matamoros. I am the director of the State of Israel Basic Education Center. We provide quality education, reaching all families in the community. I desire to have a safe community without violence, with all basic services. 

    Students face the challenge of finishing their basic education. They need it to continue to secondary and university studies. I hope that they can have good opportunities when they leave school, putting into practice what we strive to teach them.

    The pandemic was one of the hardest situations we have faced. It caused us delays and killed motivation. We move forward by putting our best efforts into providing quality education. The priority is that children have classes in decent and safe spaces. We know that they have many abilities to develop, and with the appropriate support, they can continue to.”

    —Principal Héctor Matamoros

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    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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