Escuela Primaria Rafael Arévalo Martínez

Mexico City, Mexico

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School details


Student population:

440 students



First to sixth grade


Year founded:


About the school’s needs

Escuela Primaria Rafael Arévalo Martínez is located in the Álvaro Obregón neighborhood of Mexico City. The district is the third most populated in the city, with both urban and rural areas.

Because of rapid growth in the area over the last ten years, residents and students face challenges in having a sense of community and support. Additionally, adolescents are exposed to risks such as violence, insecurity, poverty, and addiction, all of which are worsened when their studies are abandoned.

By sponsoring Escuela Primaria Rafael Arévalo Martínez, you will provide essential resources to its students.

Your sponsorship means everything from infrastructural repairs and renovations to new school equipment.

Help give the children of Escuela Primaria Rafael Arévalo Martínez the future they deserve.

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We’ll reach out with next steps. Thank you for your support!

    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • Psychosocial support
    • Infrastructure improvements
    • Installation of bathroom-stall doors
    • Installation of a roof/tarp for physical education classes
    • Purchase of a copier 
    • Electrical repairs
    • Internet connection
    • Waterproofing of roofs and repair of canopies

    Meet the students


    “I’m Renata, and I’m 10 years old. My dream is to be a businesswoman. In my free time, I like to listen to music. 

    A challenge that children in my community face is family violence.

    I dream of helping and motivating my peers, to make it clear to them that they can meet their goals.

    I would like to see my school as a place that is safe and beautiful, so students value coming to school and continuing to learn.”

    —Renata, 10

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    “I’m Jesús. I’m 12. My dream is to study journalism at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and become a sports announcer. In my free time, I like storytelling and playing soccer.

    Young people in my community face challenges related to insecurity and discrimination. My dream is for us to have more security and a stronger community within the school.

    Additionally, I would like to see improvements in my school’s bathrooms and roofs.”

    —Jesús, 12

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    Meet the principal

    “I am Lilia, principal of Escuela Primaria Rafael Arévalo Martínez. At our school, we want to offer a quality public education, so children between the ages of six and 12 can learn and develop life skills.

    The daily challenges our students face include eliminating the barriers that start in the home and can harm them in their academic training. It is our hope that by establishing relationships and beneficial learning experiences, upon graduation, students have the conceptual, practical, and emotional tools to continue their studies and develop as individuals. 

    One of the largest challenges faced by our school community was the COVID-19 pandemic. We were in isolation for a year and eight months. Though we used distance-learning strategies, we did not know how to use them in depth. 

    We are a school that values and focuses on our students. We have professional and specialized teachers and personnel. We strive to ensure that our physical campus is a place worthy of education and personal development. We want to be a school that not only promotes students’ development, but also provides them with the tools to manage their emotions. We hope to be a place where children learn and can feel happy at the same time.”

    —Principal Lilia

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    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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