Escuela Parroquial San José de la Montaña

San Salvador, El Salvador

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School details


Student population:

157 students



First to ninth grade


Year founded:


About the school’s needs

The Atonal, Miramonte, and San José neighborhoods that surround Escuela San José de la Montaña face many challenges, from economic struggles and inequalities to the negative stigmatization of their residents by outsiders. These challenges make it hard for the younger members of these communities to study.

Your sponsorship of Escuela Parroquial San José de la Montaña will provide essential resources and equipment that will improve learning conditions, such as additional classrooms, roof and wall renovations, and a new counseling center for students.

Help give the children of Escuela Parroquial San José de la Montaña the future they deserve.

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We’ll reach out with next steps. Thank you for your support!

    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • Construction of a counseling center
    • New books suitable for all age groups
    • Wifi installation
    • Renovation of roofs and walls
    • Classroom painting
    • Construction of additional classrooms 
    • New furniture, including desks, tables, chairs, blackboards, and file cabinets
    • Installation of fans to improve the indoor classroom environment
    • New playground and sports equipment
    • Murals for recreational spaces

    Meet the students


    “I’m Maylin, and I’m 11 years old. I dream of becoming a successful doctor or working as a flight attendant, so I can explore and get to know different countries around the world. 

    In my free time, I like visiting my grandparents. One activity I’m passionate about is drawing. I also love helping others in any way I can. 

    I envision a bright future for my school, where we have spaces to play and have fun. I would also like to have a new gate that all the students can help paint with our handprints. It would be a unique way to leave our mark and proudly show that we belong at our school.”

    —Maylin, 11

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    “My name is José, and I’m 10. I like to be with friends and play with them on the field in my neighborhood. My biggest dream is to travel, but I also want to work professionally—maybe as a teacher—or play in the major soccer league in my country. 

    I really believe in the value of friendship, so I would like my school to be a safe space, with more unity among classmates and better communication between teachers and students. 

    My aspiration is for us to have more games and spaces to interact. I dream of my school being a more eye-catching place for students and the community.”

    —José, 10

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    Meet the principal

    “My name is Mónica, and I am the principal of the Escuela Parroquial San José de la Montaña. Our school faces numerous challenges, with the primary concern being students quitting school. 

    In 2019, the school underwent a financial crisis, teetering on the brink of closure due to low enrollment. However, with the united support of the community, parents, and teachers who fervently advocated for the institution, we successfully navigated through those challenging times and have continued our operations. 

    Presently, our focus is on sustaining the school, eliminating dropout rates, and instilling the belief in both students and the community that we are one cohesive family where no one is left out. On the contrary, we all learn and support each other equally.

    Our school serves as a platform for children in the communities to access a quality education. We are committed to enhancing and innovating in areas of interest, such as technology and science. Our aspirations include improved infrastructure and recreational spaces, so both shifts can attend in the morning, and so students can access complementary educational activities in the afternoons.

    —Principal Mónica

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    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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