Escuela Básica El Valiente

Santo Domingo Este, Dominican Republic

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School details


Student population




Elementary and two grades of secondary


Year founded


About the school’s needs

Escuela Básica El Valiente is located in the Santo Domingo Este municipality of the Dominican Republic, across the Ozama River from the bustling center of the country’s capital city.

Although the school is a refuge and support center for the community, it faces significant challenges. Those include poor road conditions and a lack of recreational spaces and essential services, such as parks, sports courts, and a polyclinic.

Over the past five years, El Valiente has experienced additional obstacles, including a burglary and damage caused by a tropical storm.

Despite limited resources, the school has confronted these adversities with the support of the community, actively seeking progressive solutions to structural and financial challenges. It aspires to evolve into a polytechnic institution, providing students with opportunities in technical fields.

To get there, the students of Escuela Básica El Valiente need your support.

Help give the children of Escuela Básica El Valiente the future they deserve.

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    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • Psychosocial support
    • On-site clinical psychologist
    • In-school medical clinic
    • Science and technology labs
    • Repair of water leaks
    • Rectification of the electrical system
    • Installation of cyclone mesh to heighten walls for theft prevention
    • Support staff quarters
    • Enhanced plumbing and water-storage facilities to ensure a consistent water supply, especially in the bathrooms
    • School reinforcement programs
    • After-school programs, including a Communications Club, English Club, Robotics Club, and Art Club
    • Materials for outdoor activities
    • Digital whiteboards
    • Drinking fountains
    • Night lighting fixtures for improved visibility

    Meet the students


    “Hi, I’m Enny, and I’m 12 years old. My dream is to become a multimedia animator or a forensic doctor. During my free time, I like to draw and explore my creativity. 

    In our community, young people like me face different issues, like a lack of autonomy and engaged authority figures. Those problems affect our progress and safety as a community. Plus, sometimes, military patrolling takes the place of a proper police presence. 

    My dream is rooted in overcoming these challenges. I hope for my neighborhood to stop being stigmatized and marginalized, while getting recognized by the government and by society. I hope for technology that’s accessible, and for well-equipped authorities that will help address situations effectively, while always respecting human rights. 

    Additionally, I would really like to see my school be spotlessly clean, with paintings and murals that reflect our reality and culture. I also hope for workshops that give us opportunities to acquire more technical skills.”

    —Enny, 12

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    “My name is Rusbel, I’m 13 years old, and my dream is to become a civil engineer. During my free time, I like playing basketball.

    In our community, we face major challenges. We’re stagnant and closed, and our streets are so bad that they prevent any business from ever getting developed.

    My dream is for us to stop being stigmatized. I hope to see a community with better infrastructure and proper streets. Even a little rain wreaks havoc on houses in such poor conditions.

    I also dream of recreational spaces and sports centers that have different disciplines for young people’s development. At my school, I would love to see front doors with beautiful designs that are worthy of an educational institution. And murals that reflect the creativity and diversity of our community.”

    —Rusbel, 13

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    Meet the principal

    “As the principal of Escuela Básica El Valiente, we confront the significant challenge of addressing age discrepancies among students and ensuring that our pupils attain a solid level of literacy before advancing to the second cycle of primary school. 

    Each day, our students navigate hurdles such as food scarcity at home, the vulnerability of school roadways—especially during rainy periods—and the lengthy journeys they must take from diverse communities to access our classrooms.

    Our school, a hidden gem, is distinguished by its beauty, spacious layout, flourishing greenery, order, and compassionate atmosphere. We take pride in being a supportive, fair, and transparent space, functioning as a comprehensive network for assistance, education, and security for all members of our community. 

    Despite the obstacles, we remain dedicated to the growth and enhancement of our community, working tirelessly to offer learning opportunities and holistic support for our students.” 

    —Principal Euclides Sierra

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