Complejo Educativo Walter A. Soundy

La Libertad, El Salvador

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School details


1,380 students


Grades served

Kindergarten through third year of high school


Year founded


About the school’s needs

The financial aspect is the biggest challenge for the community located within the Walter A. Soundy Educational Complex, given that parents barely make enough to provide for their children’s transportation. If they do, they do not have the resources for food.

Poverty is deeply ingrained in the community, while job opportunities are scarce yet necessary to support the students. Despite the community’s economic challenges and the marked poverty, a spirit of self-improvement and a fervent desire prevail to provide the children with the necessary tools for a better future.

The community demonstrates great solidarity and mutual support in seeking opportunities and resources for the benefit of all its members, especially the students.

Help give the children of the Complejo Educativo Walter A. Soundy the future they deserve.

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    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • After-school programs to engage students and encourage learning
    • Job opportunities to support students and their families
    • Access to training on the use of technological resources to reduce the digital divide
    • Improved safety and coexistence practices to ensure a safe and harmonious educational environment
    • Improvements in physical facilities to ensure an adequate and safe educational environment
    • Updating of equipment and technology to facilitate the teaching and learning process
    • Expansion of spaces to accommodate a growing student population
    • Regular maintenance of facilities to prevent deterioration and prolong their useful life
    • Improved basic services such as potable water, electricity and sanitation to ensure optimal health and welfare conditions for students and school staff

    Meet the students


    “My name is Johana, I’m 14 years old and dream of having a better life outside the country. In my free time, I would like to learn piano and languages. 

    In our community, transportation makes it difficult to get to school on time, especially for those who work. I dream of safe transportation that brings us to and picks us up on time.

    Also, I would like for school to be more accessible to everyone, so that no one is left behind due to the lack of resources”.

    —Johana, 14

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    “My name is Fernando and I’m 14 years old. For as long as I can remember, my dream has been to have a career, specifically, to become a doctor, in order to help people in need in my community. 

    I dedicate my free time to strength training, preparing myself physically and mentally to reach my goal. However, I know that the youth in my community faces significant challenges, especially financial ones. 

    I dream of a different El Salvador from a few years ago. As for my school, I would love to see a chemical laboratory space, where we can conduct experiments and develop our scientific skills”.

    —Fernando, 14

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    Meet a teacher

    “My name is Hugo, principal of the Walter A. Soundy Educational Complex. The school represents much more than just a place of education. 

    It is a fundamental pillar in our community, a refuge where students can feel protected and where every day they have the opportunity to learn and grow. 

    It is a symbol of hope and opportunity, where students and caregivers alike are confident that they will receive the tools and skills necessary to meet the challenges of society.

    However, I cannot ignore the significant challenges we face. The economic reality of our community is a constant obstacle, with many mothers and fathers struggling to make ends meet and provide even their children’s basic needs.

    In addition, to ensure a safe and conducive learning environment, the school infrastructure is in urgent need of improvement. Despite the challenges, we are committed to overcoming them and continuing to be a beacon of hope and opportunity for our community”. 

    —Teacher Hugo

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    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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