Complejo Educativo San José Abajo

Santiago Nonualco, El Salvador

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School details



306 students



Kindergarten through high school


Year founded


About the school’s needs

The community is located in a rural area, where most families have about five or six members on average.

Their main sources of income include jobs in maquilas, small local businesses, growing staple grains, and raising livestock.

However, most people only manage to achieve a high school education due to various reasons, such as economic constraints, transportation difficulties, and other challenges.

Help give the children of the Complejo Educativo San José Abajo the future they deserve.

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    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • Training workshops and new classroom materials for teachers
    • Training workshops for families on positive discipline and emotion management
    • Inputs to promote and sustain vegetable production, aquaculture, and poultry farming practices in high school study modules
    • Classroom resources for student assignments
    • Maintenance and administration personnel for the school library
    • Audiovisual resources for classrooms
    • Sound equipment for general assemblies of parents and students
    • Resources for artistic and cultural activities

    Meet the students


    “My name is Valentina and I am 10 years old. 

    When I grow up, I would like to be a lawyer to help and defend innocent people who are unjustly accused. In my free time, I like to make up stories and write them, as well as study and play soccer.

    I believe that many young people in my community face the challenge of not receiving enough attention and love from their parents, which makes them feel sad and angry, affecting their motivation to study and learn. Therefore, I would like mothers and fathers to be aware of the consequences of their lack of attention and learn how to treat their children properly and support them. 

    As for my school, I would like to see it always as a safe place for everyone, where we can learn and have fun together.

    —Valentina, 10

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    “I’m Angel, and I’m 15 years old. In my free time, I like to watch TV shows, read books, and help my family’s business. 

    My dream is to prepare myself to start my own business. I want to harvest and market products such as vegetables, in addition to getting my high school diploma and putting into practice everything I learn. 

    I have seen in my community many young people with little interest and little motivation to continue studying and preparing themselves, often because they do not see opportunities for improvement or because they have to work to help their families. That is why I would like there to be programs in the community that help us develop our skills and teach us to discover our abilities and become better people.

    My dream is for my school to take advantage of new resources and technology for greater learning, and for teachers to be well-equipped to teach us more.

    —Ángel, 15

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    Meet the principal

    “I am Claudia, one of the main challenges of our institution is the stagnation in learning that occurred after the pandemic. 

    Many children returned with gaps in areas such as math and reading and as an educational center, we have tried to address this without having the necessary materials or enough time to meet these needs in a personalized way. 

    In our community, family disintegration affects students, generating depressive or violent behavior, while daily challenges include the lack of a favorable family environment and economic limitations.

    Students who come from these homes generally lower their academic performance and even their life expectations. I believe that the school is vital to the community, providing a safe and educational space. We hope to work with the community and organizations like Glasswing to ensure quality education. 

    Despite the challenges, our school looks forward to moving forward with the support of after-school programs and infrastructure improvements”. 

    —Principal Claudia

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    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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