Complejo Educativo República de Perú

Mejicanos, El Salvador

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School details


Student population:

1,220 students



Kindergarten to high school


Year founded:


About the community

Mejicanos is a city of about 160,000 residents in the San Salvador department of El Salvador. Informal commerce is prevalent; job opportunities are sparse. There are issues with drugs, violence, depression, and criminal activities, resulting in stigma and insecurity.

By sponsoring Complejo Educativo República de Perú, you will be providing more than 1,200 students with a safe learning environment and better access to resources.

Your sponsorship means everything from repairs to the school building to classroom supplies and sports equipment. A new psychological care clinic would provide well-being support to students, while new extracurricular programs would give them opportunities to develop skills and gain confidence.

Help give the children of Complejo Educativo República de Perú the future they deserve.

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We’ll reach out with next steps. Thank you for your support!

    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • Materials and labor for new spaces, including multipurpose rooms
    • Repairs to existing facilities, such as bathrooms and classrooms
    • Materials and labor for roofing the sports field
    • New furniture and supplies for the classrooms
    • Resources and staff training for teaching robotics
    • Establishment of a psychological care clinic, with a psychologist to serve the student community
    • Construction of a school garden for students to participate in
    • Equipment for the school kitchen 
    • Sports equipment for soccer, basketball, and karate
    • Construction of a second floor in the first- and second-cycle modules
    • Extracurricular programs in Storytelling, Robotics, English, Art, STEAM, Dance and Singing, Literacy Club, Communications, Leadership and Debate, Guitar, Chess, Soccer, Basketball, and Girls Club

    Meet the students


    “I’m Victor, and I’m 17 years old. My passions are playing the guitar and immersing myself in music. 

    I have two dreams for the future. One is to be a good father, and the other is that one day, our school will be one of the best centers of artistic influence in our country.

    I hope for a future where every teenager can find their purpose, steering clear of the current challenges of violence and stigma. I believe that by realizing these dreams, we can mold our personalities and make a positive impact.”

    —Victor, 17

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    “I’m Ema. I’m 17, and my dream is to be able to share my knowledge and skills with the community, and especially with young people facing barriers in their education. 

    I think a big challenge we need to face in our community is a lack of financial education. Having that would help us make informed decisions and break free from stereotypes and comparisons. Collaborating—instead of competing with each other—is key. We’re a team, and we should see ourselves that way.

    I’m confident that our school can progress and thrive, particularly when students actively contribute and give what we receive.

    —Ema, 17

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    Meet the principal

    “My name is Idalia, and I am the director of the República de Perú Educational Complex. Every year, our school gets many new students. In 2023 alone, we got over 60 students with disabilities; we promote inclusive and quality care for everyone. 

    However, we face the challenge of working more closely with parents. We need them to see the importance of educating their daughters and sons. Many prefer to put them to work, especially ninth-grade students.

    Additionally, this year, there has been an increase in suspicions of sexual abuse and depression in the student community, caused by the absence of some family members due to violence. 

    Despite this, we continue to be a school community, a space for students and their parents to coexist and learn. We have few resources but great goals. One of my dreams is to expand the facilities, with a room for music, biology, and multiple uses, creating spaces to provide a comprehensive education to the students.”

    —Principal Idalia

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    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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