Complejo Educativo Amalia Vda de Menéndez

Mejicanos, El Salvador

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School details


773 students



Kindergarten - High School - General High School


Year founded


About the school’s needs

Mejicanos is one of the districts that belong to the distribution of San Salvador Centro.

Within it is located the Amalia Vda de Menéndez Educational Complex, which is surrounded by a resilient community and committed to providing a better academic education.

According to its students, it also seeks greater commitment to human rights, social justice and the value and support of girls and women.

Help give the children of the Complejo Educativo Amalia Vda de Menéndez the future they deserve.

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We’ll reach out with next steps. Thank you for your support!

    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • Classrooms
    • Food/recreation/dining area
    • Separation wall for the court
    • Furniture for student and teacher use
    • Screens in classrooms to project videos and educational material
    • Expanded infrastructure to accommodate growing enrollment demand
    • Training of teaching staff in soft skills and emotional management
    • Guaranteeing the accompaniment of parents in the academic development of students
    • Encouragement of students’ commitment to and responsibility for their academic performance

    Meet the students


    “I am Genesis. I am 17 years old and one of my biggest dreams is to use my studies and knowledge to help women, girls and young people who have suffered any kind of violence to be heard, supported and to enforce their rights.

    I would also like to help animals to have a better life, free of mistreatment.

    In my free time I like to be with my family, and I like to read and listen to music and podcasts about criminologists and organizations that help people who have suffered abuse.”

    —Génesis, 17

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    “Hi, I’m Edwin, I’m 16 years old and my dream is to work with Google or Microsoft; with a big company that generates income for me so I can help other people with scholarships.

    In my free time I like to study languages, learn new words in Japanese and Russian, play chess and read. I would like my school to be recognized for its academic quality and for being one of the best in our community.”

    —Edwin, 16

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    Meet a teacher

    “My name is Ana Yansi, director of the Amalia Viuda de Menéndez School.

    This educational center represents a well-disciplined institution that faces several challenges, such as the need for furniture and resources, more classrooms to promote learning, and greater parental support for their children’s academic development.

    Here we seek to provide students with the necessary competencies to contribute to the development of skills that will help them at the university and work levels in the coming years, and we are motivated to continue teaching and generating good results.”

    —Teacher Ana Yansi

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    Get started today

    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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