Colegio Policarpa Salavarrieta

Bogotá, Colombia

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School details



1,100 students



Preschool through 11th grade


Year founded


About the school’s needs

The community is located in Bogotá, in the center of the city and in an environment where many families can enroll their children.

The educational institute is located in an area near an avenue, where many cars pass by and in a place where gang insecurity is present.

As in many other places, the community faces challenges such as lack of investment in development, and there is a need to provide quality education for youth.

Help give the children of the Colegio Policarpa Salavarrieta the future they deserve.

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We’ll reach out with next steps. Thank you for your support!

    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • Improve the floors of the courts, as currently, many children suffer from falls and injuries
    • Improve the bleachers as they are very uneven and are a danger when doing physical exercises
    • To have a roofed space for physical exercises 
    • Improvement of the third floor: library and teachers’ lounge
    • Reopening of the library 
    • Repair of floors
    • Technological needs

    Meet the students


    “I am 12 years old. I really like drawing, dancing, playing video games, and playing with my classmates. I like many things.

    My dream is to be a veterinarian and maybe even a fashion designer. I dream that they can fix the floor of my school, the library, and the teachers’ lounge. 

    Also, when it rains, it floods, and I wish all these things could be fixed so we could learn in better conditions.”

    —Dana, 12

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    “I am 16 years old, and my dream is to be a dentist.  I’ve wanted to be one since I was a kid, because I saw it as something cool; plus, I can do surgeries. Something I do in my free time is to do announcer stuff and electronic stuff. I want to be able to play in a record store as a DJ. 

    Something I would like to have in the school is to have someone to listen to us, to understand us, like a psychologist. We have so many things stored up, and we don’t have anyone to tell. We need someone to listen to us.”


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    Meet a teacher

    “My name is Carmen, and I entered the school about five months ago. This is a district educational institution that serves in two locations in the sector. The high school is located at site A, and the elementary school is located at site B. 

    I think the biggest challenge we have as a school is our lack of technology. There are many technological advancements in other places, and our students need to learn how to use technology to be able to keep up with the rest of the world.  

    Another objective is to ensure that the students who attend here have a life project and can develop all their knowledge, either to continue in academics or to join the workforce.   

    My dream for this school is to advance at a technological level. 

    So my challenge is that in the classrooms, there is at least one digital screen, which allows the student and the teacher to take advantage of this resource and improve the training of students, because if we continue working with that board, I think we will remain outdated. I do not think it is complex, but resources are needed. We will achieve it little by little. That is my dream and my challenge.” 

    —Teacher Carmen

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    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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