Centro Escolar Herbert De Sola

Jayaque, La Libertad, El Salvador

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School details


Student population:

622 students



First to ninth grade


Year founded:


About the school’s needs

In the community of Jayaque, young people face domestic violence and economic hardships. Many do not have access to necessities like water, electricity, and internet connectivity. The majority of families in this area are low income and rely on agriculture; others get their income from textile manufacturing and similar employment.

Given its rural nature, there are significant challenges to mobility within the locality. For instance, young people often need to cross considerable distances, investing a substantial amount of time each day commuting from their homes to school. Some contend with obstacles like crossing rivers or traversing rural paths.

Your sponsorship of Centro Escolar Herbert De Sola will support over 600 students. It will mean everything from the construction of new classrooms to material support for low-income students, to after-school activities that build skills and confidence.

Help give the children of Centro Escolar Herbert De Sola the future they deserve.

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We’ll reach out with next steps. Thank you for your support!

    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • Psychologists and psychosocial support 
    • Training for teachers on group management techniques and bullying intervention
    • Construction of a perimeter wall around the school
    • Construction of a special area for kindergarten students 
    • Construction of ramps for students in wheelchairs or with mobility disabilities
    • Training for parents on family co-responsibility
    • Food support for low-income families
    • Support for materials (shoes, uniforms, school supplies, hygiene, and food) for low-income students
    • First-aid kit for the school
    • Socio-educational talks on menstruation and personal hygiene kits for girls
    • A new playground 
    • A library and science lab
    • New desks
    • Construction of bathrooms
    • Development of extracurricular clubs such as Art, English, Storytelling, Soccer, Glee, STEAM, Educational Reinforcement, and Academic Leveling

    Meet the students


    “I’m Christopher. I like drawing and painting. One of my dreams is to become an architect and have a large house with a fountain in the middle.

    In my community, there aren’t many schools, and parents can’t always help with our studies or homework. 

    I envision a larger school for myself, with neatly lined desks and playgrounds. Also, I wish for teachers to protect us, ensuring that the older students don’t bother the younger ones.”

    —Christopher, 9

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    “My name is Kimberly, and I’m 12 years old. I spend my free time immersed in science fiction books. My dream is to become a lawyer to advocate for those who can’t defend themselves. 

    One improvement I’d like to see in my community is more parental support. Neglect often leads children into vices, because stores sell alcohol and cigarettes to minors without restrictions. I believe the school could play a role in keeping kids away from the streets. 

    If I could add to my school, I would build a big sports court, a library, and a science lab, and I’d enhance classrooms with better desks, bathrooms, and painted walls.”

    —Kimberly, 12

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    Meet the principal

    “My name is Víctor, and I am the principal of Centro Escolar Herbert de Sola. The school serves as an institution where boys and girls come to learn, receive an education, and acquire new knowledge to navigate daily life and eventually enter the workforce. 

    However, our school is confronted with significant challenges in enhancing its educational quality, encompassing both training methods and infrastructure. Despite students being equipped with technological devices from the government, the school lacks internet access, as the necessary infrastructure has not been installed.

    Furthermore, there is a pressing need for furniture, such as tables and desks, as many are either in poor condition or insufficient in quantity. Currently, classrooms accommodate up to 65 students, highlighting the urgency to expand facilities by constructing additional classrooms. This expansion aims to provide education up to the high school level, fostering motivation among young individuals to persist in their foundational studies.”

    —Principal Víctor

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    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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