Centro Escolar Comunidad San Francisco Hacienda Zapotitán

Arce City, El Salvador

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School details



393 students



Kindergarten to ninth grade


Year founded


About the school’s needs

The community of San Francisco, Hacienda Zapotitan, has hard-working and resourceful families who are mainly engaged in agriculture and livestock raising.

The lack of opportunities and scarce economic resources lead girls and boys to work at an early age to contribute to the basic needs at home.

Help give the children of the San Francisco Hacienda Zapotitán Community School Center the future they deserve.

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We’ll reach out with next steps. Thank you for your support!

    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • Food support for low-income families
    • Psychological support for the school community
    • Recreational opportunities for teachers, students, and families, such as outings, social events, etc.
    • Paving of main spaces
    • Improvement of classrooms: new desks, improved lighting, improved ventilation, and new tech equipment
    • Materials and resources for the expansion of the high school curriculum
    • Construction of classrooms to accommodate a computer center, teachers’ lounge, and extracurricular clubs
    • Improvement of green areas: maintenance of gardens and trees, creation of planters, and paved spaces
    • Creation of a playground and recreation area, cleaning and maintenance of green areas for recreation, games for children (slides, swings, tables, and benches, etc.), board games, and floor games
    • Improvements to the basketball and soccer fields, perimeter mesh, roofing, floor maintenance, and creation of bleachers
    • Improvement of bathrooms and new cleaning materials
    • Improvement of the kitchen area, appliances, closed space for cooking and food storage, replacing wood stoves with gas stoves
    • Construction of a cafeteria, with furniture and supplies
    • Stationery and office materials
    • Expansion of club offerings, soccer, English, discovery, art, storytelling, glee, basketball, racquetball, communications, etc.

    Meet the students


    “My name is Daniela, and I’m 15. My dream is to be able to contribute more to Glasswing clubs, to improve opportunities at my school and prepare myself professionally.

    In my free time, I like reading and listening to music. 

    I believe that young people in my community face challenges because they don’t have opportunities and support from their parents. That leads some to drop out of school, especially in a community like ours where they’re taught to work from an early age. 

    My dream is for young people in my community to no longer be stigmatized. Instead, I hope they will be encouraged to continue their studies, so we have more professionals in our area.

    As for my school, I’d like to see it with an expanded high school, more extracurricular activities to participate in, improved classrooms, and other study opportunities.”

    —Daniela, 15

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    “My name is Alexander, I am 16 years old and I study at Centro Escolar Comunidad San Francisco. I have several aspirations, to study, complete a university degree, and get a good job. In my free time, I enjoy reading and playing soccer. 

    I believe one of the main problems that youth in my community face is commuting, as our schools are far away. 

    My dream is to see the community united and for the youth to be more dedicated to their studies and to have more opportunities to achieve their goals. 

    I would like my school to be improved with equipped courts for physical education and other sports, bigger classrooms to ensure that we all have space to study, and more extracurricular clubs to explore diverse areas such as reading, sports, art, and more.”

    —Alexander, 16

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    Meet the Principal

    “Hi, my name is Lilian, director of Centro Escolar Comunidad San Francisco Hacienda Zapotitán. 

    Our biggest challenge is to ensure that the young people in our community complete their ninth-grade studies and feel motivated to continue. The opening of a baccalaureate in our area would be a great step forward. 

    Every day, students face the difficult task of balancing part-time work with their studies. Our school represents an opportunity for self-improvement in a community with challenges such as broken homes and a lack of discipline and values. 

    We need financial support to offer extracurricular programs that enrich their educational experience and prepare them for a successful future. 

    The school is more than a building; it is the heart of our community, where new generations find hope and opportunity.”

    —Principal Lilian

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    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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