Centro Escolar Católico Pablo VI

San Salvador, El Salvador

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School details



147 students



1st through 9th grade


Year founded


About the school’s needs

The community where the school is located faces significant challenges, such as a lack of sufficient resources to provide a comprehensive education to young people.

This creates a gap between educational aspiration and available opportunities.

Many adults who were students at the school have now enrolled their own children, which demonstrates a bond of attachment to the school—and the hope for a better future through education.

Help give the children of Centro Escolar Católico Pablo VI the future they deserve.

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We’ll reach out with next steps. Thank you for your support!

    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • Improved infrastructure to create adequate space for physical education and recreation, including playgrounds and recreation areas
    • More classrooms, with proper ventilation and equipment
    • Renovated school furniture, which has remained unchanged for more than 20 years
    • Screens in each classroom for the use of audiovisual resources
    • A science lab and computer lab with updated equipment
    • Improved conditions for the restrooms, kitchen and food area, to ensure hygiene and proper food preparation
    • More classrooms, possibly on a second level
    • Improvements to the annex facilities, including lighting and restroom conditions
    • After-school programs to meet the needs of students and families with limited resources, seeking solutions for those who seek progress but lack the means to achieve it

    Meet the students


    “I’m 14. I like reading novels, playing with my little sister, and hanging out with my friends. 

    One of the things I would like to do at school is play freely, but we can hardly do that because there’s not much space. In my community, many young people have family problems and learning problems, and my classmates often lose interest in school. 

    I really wish my school would give psychological support to the students, so each of us could discover our potential. When parents decide to send their children to school, I wish they would choose Centro Escolar Pablo VI as their first option.”

    —Adriana, 14

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    “My dream is to graduate in general medicine, to be able to give hope and dignified treatment with patience and understanding to my patients.

    In my free time, I like to do crafts, dance, and sing.

    In my community, young people face challenges like economic limitations, exposure to harsh environments like fights, bad habits such as smoking or drinking, and a lack of recreational spaces.

    I want my community to not be stigmatized because of the context of violence. I would also like us to have a psychological care clinic to attend for free, for people who need it. For my school, I would like ample spaces for classrooms, bathrooms, and recreational spaces.”

    —José, 14

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    Meet a teacher

    “My name is Alicia, and I am the principal of this school. We have a great challenge as an educational community to strengthen the infrastructure and encourage parents’ responsibility toward their children’s school activities.

    A few years ago, COVID 19 highlighted the creativity of our teachers, but at the same time, many students stopped studying because of the lack of economic resources in their homes. 

    This school represents a safe space where students are trained. It is a place where they can begin to dream. 

    I long to have more developed spaces, such as science and computer labs, where students can feel supported and have the necessary tools. In turn, that will motivate parents to send their children to school despite the limitations they may have. This is a place of love and support for each child.”

    —Teacher Alicia

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    Get started today

    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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