Centro Escolar Alberto Guerra Trigueros

Sonsonate, El Salvador

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School details



1068 students



Kindergarten through ninth grade


Year founded


About the school’s needs

Some time ago, the community of Armenia faced considerable challenges, such as violence and crime, which, thanks to the commitment of its inhabitants and the measures implemented by the government, have gradually improved.

However, they still face challenges in improving the academic quality of their schools and promoting positive values, to continue building a more prosperous community.

In addition, they highlight the need to achieve greater parental involvement and the dedication of quality time to the children and adolescents in the community.

Help give the children of the Centro Escolar Alberto Guerra Tigueros the future they deserve.

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We’ll reach out with next steps. Thank you for your support!

    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • Improvements in the quality and quantity of academic resources
    • Renovation of physical facilities
    • Repairs to deteriorated infrastructure, such as roofs, floors, and walls
    • Expansion of recreation and sports areas
    • Updating of laboratory facilities
    • Accessibility improvements to ensure that all facilities are inclusive
    • Construction of a multipurpose room or auditorium
    • Installation of audiovisual equipment in classrooms
    • Improvements in basic services, such as drinking water supply and sanitation system
    • Creation of green spaces and gardens
    • Soccer and basketball club
    • Discovery Club
    • Glee Club
    • Communications Club
    • Community Cafés

    Meet the students


    “My name is Fatima, I am 15 years old and my dream is to study a career related to communications and explore the various branches of art. In my free time, I enjoy painting, reading, writing, practicing English, and participating in community volunteer activities. 

    Young people in our community face several challenges, such as the lack of values instilled at home, no career guidance, and the excessive and inappropriate use of technology.

    My dream is for young people to discover their passions and for art and reading to be promoted from an early age, thus creating a more inclusive and respectful society. 

    As for my school, I would like to see a larger infrastructure adapted to the needs of each academic level, with separate spaces for recreational and educational activities, as well as improvements in our technology and reading areas”.

    —Fátima, 15

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    “My name is Javier, I am 16 years old and I dream of being a figure of change in my community.

    Since I was a child I have been looking for opportunities to grow and lead. I am passionate about cooking and strive to become a chef. I see many young people face similar challenges in our community, with few opportunities and little support. 

    My dream is for everyone to have access to opportunities for growth like I’ve had. 

    As for school, I envision a more technological and accessible environment where students can reach their full potential.”

    —Javier, 16

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    Meet the principal

    “I am Victor, the director of the Alberto Guerra Trigueros School Center. Our institution stands out for its commitment to academic excellence and the integral formation of young people. Here, we not only offer quality education, but also cultivate values such as responsibility, solidarity, and respect. 

    We have a team of committed teachers and a united school community that works hard to overcome obstacles and achieve goals. 

    However, we recognize that in our quest to provide a quality education and promote positive values among our students, the school faces significant challenges, such as improving academic quality and promoting strong discipline.

    In addition, the lack of family support and the need for adequate resources are obstacles we must overcome to ensure student success”. 

    —Principal Victor

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    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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