Centro Educativo Pedro J. Ameglio

Panama City, Panama

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School details


Student population

786 students



Preschool to sixth grade


Year founded


About the school’s needs

The Centro Educativo Pedro J. Ameglio is in San Antonio, a community of about 3,000 people in Panama City. Residents there face daily challenges, including a significant amount of trash and pollution.

Another is flooding. The Juan Díaz River floods in the rainy season, causing fear among San Antonio’s inhabitants that their homes will get swept away by the current.


The school was the first in San Antonio. It is a pillar in the community for good, values-based education. By sponsoring Centro Educativo Pedro J. Ameglio, you will be providing essential resources to its students. Those include ceiling repairs, maintenance of the water tank, and a new cafeteria, so kids don’t have to eat their snacks while sitting on the floor in the hallway.

A critical need is the addition of air conditioners for the classrooms. Panama City’s climate makes them very hot for the students. Your support will help them learn in a safe, comfortable classroom environment.

Help give the children of Centro Educativo Pedro J. Ameglio the future they deserve.

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We’ll reach out with next steps. Thank you for your support!

    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • Air conditioners for the classrooms
    • Painting and roofing for the soccer field, which is exposed to constant rain
    • Benches for the children to sit on at the soccer field
    • Kitchen renovations and a new cafeteria
    • Construction of a teachers’ lounge; teachers do not have an area for meetings or breaks
    • Painting and maintenance of the school water tank
    • Improvements to the floor of the club space
    • Ceiling repairs, as some rooms do not have a full ceiling
    • Resources to support talks on topics such as bullying, addictions, empathy, teamwork, self-esteem, healthy relationships, and emotion management
    • Extracurricular programs: Homework Club, Art, Soccer, Storytelling, and Emotional Wellness
    • Community cafés for parents
    • Construction of a club classroom that also serves as a peaceful learning space

    Meet the students


    “My name is Johan, and I am eight years old. I love learning about animals and their behavior, especially dinosaurs. 

    I think that the challenge that boys and girls in my community face is the fear of being laughed at for how we speak or the way we do things.

    I have many dreams for my community. The first is that all girls and boys, adults and children, are respected equally. And that we all share well. I also dream of walking around my community without the fear of being robbed. I dream of it becoming a better place.

     —Johan, 8

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    “My name is Daslyn. I’m eight, and I want to be a fashion designer. In my free time, I like to draw clothes and shoes, among other things. 

    Young people in my community face big challenges. They see bad examples of people who go down the wrong path, and they also see piles of trash in their neighborhood.

    I want kids to see school as an example to follow. And I want us to have air conditioners in our classrooms.”

     —Daslyn, 8

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    Meet the director

    “I’m Melva, the director of the Pedro J. Ameglio school. Our institution provides a quality education, but we are also experiencing constant challenges. For example, at the infrastructure level, the roof has worn out over time, and the zinc sheets are full of rust and holes. 

    At the academic level, the challenge is poor technology management by teachers. They see technology as a barrier, not as a tool for academic goals. Students also face challenges. Most are not with their mothers or fathers. Their parents work, so the students spend most of their time in daycare or alone at home.

    Our biggest dream as an educational center is to finish all the infrastructure projects that the school needs. At a technical teaching level, we want to advance with the new tools that education requires to prepare students.”

     —Principal Melva

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    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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