Centro de Educación Básica José Trinidad Cabañas, Villanueva

San Pedro Sula, Honduras

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School details



521 students



First through sixth grade


Year founded


About the school’s needs

Villanueva, where the Centro de Educación Básica José Trinidad Cabañas is located, is a municipality in the Department of Cortés in Honduras. It is the third most populated municipality in the country and one of the main sugarcane-producing regions.

The residents are confronted with challenges ranging from crime and instances of family disintegration to the ongoing issue of youth migration. These are compounded by a lack of literacy and a high unemployment rate.

Amid these adversities, the Centro de Educación Básica José Trinidad Cabañas has emerged as a beacon of hope for the community. Yet it grapples with its own challenges—notably, the absence of access to potable drinking water and a shortage of classrooms. These issues hinder learning for the school’s students, but your support can change that.

Help give the children of the Centro de Educación Básica José Trinidad Cabañas, Villanueva, the future they deserve.

Start sponsoring this school today

We’ll reach out with next steps. Thank you for your support!

    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • New sinks and bathroom repairs 
    • New water supply containers
    • School ceiling renovations
    • Construction of recreational spaces
    • Additional classrooms
    • Club classroom resources

    Meet the students


    “My name is Keysi, and I am 10 years old. My dream is to be a painter and a soccer player and someday go to university. In my free time, I like to paint and play soccer. 

    The young people in my community struggle with social insecurity and drugs. I would like us to be free to fulfill our dreams and make a change in our society and community. 

    Through Sponsor a School, I hope we can have a bigger school that has a recreational area and a green area where we can play.”

    —Keysi, 10

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    “My name is Mario, and I would like to be an auto mechanic. In my free time, I like to play soccer. 

    The young people in my neighborhood face social insecurity, drugs, and a lack of drinking water and transportation. My dream is for a more peaceful community. I hope that Sponsor a School can help us become a school with enough space to have more grade levels.

    —Mario, 11

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    Meet the principal

    “My name is Angela, and I am the director of the José Trinidad Cabañas Basic Education Center. The biggest challenge we have as a school is trying to reduce the dropout and absenteeism rates of our students, in addition to ensuring that parents take care of their children.

    The school represents a safe space for the community. My hope is that all students who graduate will continue their studies further. Migration is latent among the youth of this area, since many students leave for opportunities in other countries and do not return.

    Through Sponsor a School, we hope to receive support so we can continue offering a quality education to our students.

    —Principal Angela

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    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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