Centro de Educación Básica Gubernamental Las Américas

Comayagüela, Honduras

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School details


Student population:




Kindergarten to ninth grade


Year founded:


About the community

When it rains in Comayagüela, the parents, students, and teachers at Centro de Educación Básica Gubernamental Las Américas fear flooding due to the poor condition of the school’s roof. In addition, every day, students witness intimidating messages posted around the area by gangs.

The school is the pillar of the community, where all activities come together for the good of its inhabitants.

Your sponsorship of Centro de Educación Básica Gubernamental Las Américas will mean everything from new classroom equipment to needed renovations and repairs.

Help give the children of Centro de Educación Básica Gubernamental Las Américas the future they deserve.

Start sponsoring this school today

We’ll reach out with next steps. Thank you for your support!

    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • Building of a second floor to provide space for third-cycle students
    • Science and computer laboratory equipment
    • Air-conditioning repairs
    • Expansion of the computer lab
    • Creation of a multipurpose room
    • Repair of the plasterboard wall that adjoins the community classroom
    • Stage repair, furniture, and curtains

    Meet the students


    “My name is Danyely, I am 12 years old, and I dream of being a doctor. In my free time, I like to be productive. 

    The challenge that young people in my community face is finishing school. 

    Through Sponsor a School, I would like my school to be beautiful and decorated.”

    —Danyely, 12

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    “My name is Izzi. I dream of being a firefighter. In my free time, I like to help my friends with whatever they need. 

    Young people in my community need spaces where they can show their talents. I wish they could receive support in demonstrating their talent. Through Sponsor a School, I would like to see my school be clean and beautiful, with different clubs for the students to continue learning many things.

    —Izzi, 11

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    Meet the principal

    “My name is Santa, and I am the principal of the Las Américas Government Basic Education Center. The greatest challenges we face as an educational center are maintaining the school’s enrollment and quality of education, needing a better physical space, and learning to work together for the benefit of everyone in the community. We want to avoid absenteeism so the youth can achieve their academic goals.

    We have gone through difficult situations, with some students who suffer from physical violence and verbal and sexual abuse. We receive support from the CEBLA administration and the DINAF Directorate of Children, Adolescents, and Family.

    Through Sponsor a School, we hope that you will support us in improving the school’s physical structure, maintaining necessary resources such as electricity and a computer laboratory, and constructing another floor for the third cycle.

    –Principal Santa

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    Hear from the school community

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    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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