Centro de Educación Básica Gubernamental Dr. Ramón Rosa N°2

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

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School details


Student population:




First to sixth grade


Year founded:


About the school’s needs

Barrio Morazán, one of the oldest districts in Tegucigalpa, is a bustling, dynamic commercial hub. Thousands live here in a neighborhood where landmarks include the famous white-and-turquoise Calle Sin Sol. Because of its activity, security concerns are common in the neighborhood, requiring joint efforts among local entities.

With over 50 years of dedicated service, the elementary school Centro de Educación Básica Gubernamental Dr. Ramón Rosa N°2 has played a pivotal role in shaping local education. With your support, students there will be able to learn in an improved educational environment.

Your sponsorship will mean everything from a new roof to essential school supplies to extracurricular clubs where students can learn and develop new skills.

Help give the children of Centro de Educación Básica Gubernamental Dr. Ramón Rosa N°2 the future they deserve.

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We’ll reach out with next steps. Thank you for your support!

    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • Renovation of deteriorating educational spaces, including classrooms and recreational areas
    • Installation of plasterboard throughout the entire building
    • Adaptation of areas to accommodate individuals with diverse disabilities
    • Clear signage for emergency exit routes
    • Conducting of emergency-drill training sessions
    • Construction of a high school building with restrooms and a playground
    • Replacement of the entire roof
    • Enhancement and modernization of the school library
    • Construction of three additional classrooms
    • Establishment of a dedicated school cafeteria
    • Installation of new restrooms
    • Upgrades to sanitation, drainage systems, and utilities
    • Replacement of sanitary pipes
    • A new cistern and water reserve tanks
    • Reconstruction of the civic plaza
    • Revitalization of the sports field
    • Essential school supplies
    • Psychological support services
    • A school snack program
    • Repairs to doors and windows in the club room
    • Expansion of the club room and floor renovations
    • A table for the microwave
    • Installation of a water dispenser
    • Extracurricular programs, especially Art, Discovery, Storytelling, Soccer, Mini Glee, English, STEAM, Glee, Youth Club, Young Leaders Club for homework and literacy

    Meet the students

    Jonathan Josue

    “I’m Jonathan Josue, and I’m 11. I dream of becoming a professional soccer player. During my free time, I practice soccer. 

    My hope is to see the kids in my community grow into good people and not be unfairly labeled. My vision for our school is to see it transformed into a beautiful, clean space with a nice environment.”

    —Jonathan Josue, 11

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    “I’m Angie. I’m 11 years old. My dream is to become the president of Honduras!

    Kids in my community deserve a higher quality of life, a good family life, and better economic conditions. I want to help the less fortunate in my community. 

    I’d like our school to have new soccer fields and bigger classrooms, so we can study more comfortably.”

    —Angie, 11

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    Meet the principal

    “I am Juana Manueles, the director of Centro de Educación Básica Gubernamental Dr. Ramón Rosa N°2. Academically, we are confronted with the challenge of enhancing performance in Spanish and mathematics. Our goal is to integrate extracurricular activities that foster sports, education, and physical and emotional well-being, thereby reinforcing teaching capabilities in drafting evaluation tools, planning, and project development at both the classroom and institutional levels. 

    For the community, our school represents a vital necessity, granting students access to quality education. It serves as a fundamental opportunity for children with limited economic resources, ensuring the entry, continuity, and completion of their academic journey within the educational system.

    We aspire to have optimal physical, logistical, and technical teaching conditions. The presence of and continuous communication with entities and authorities are essential to facilitate the development of innovative, inclusive, and high-quality projects. Thus far, through collaborative efforts with parents and municipal authorities, we have managed to temporarily address the diverse needs we encounter.”

     —Principal Juana Manueles

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    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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