Centro Escolar Marcelino García Flamenco

Santa Tecla, El Salvador

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School details



530 students



Kindergarten 4 through 9th grade


Year founded


About the school’s needs

The community where the Marcelino García Flamenco School Center is located faces a number of socioeconomic challenges. It is characterized by a precarious economic situation, where many residents struggle to access educational and employment opportunities.

In addition, the community may face issues related to safety and limited access to basic services such as health and transportation.

These challenges directly impact the lives of students and their families, creating an environment where education can be seen as a crucial tool to break the cycle of poverty and improve living conditions.

Help give the children of the Centro Escolar Marcelino García Flamenco the future they deserve.

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We’ll reach out with next steps. Thank you for your support!

    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • Improvements in the science laboratory
    • Court repair
    • Construction of roofing for the court
    • Roof repairs
    • Repair of bleachers
    • Adequacy of academic and recreational space for kindergarten
    • Desks and seats in better condition
    • Seating for recreation areas
    • Furniture for storage of supplies
    • Adequate warehouse space
    • Expansion of technological resources
    • Improvement and construction of bathrooms
    • Directed recreation
    • Robotics Club, English Club, Racquet Club, supplies for Racquet Club, Remedial Education Club
    • Community Cafés.
    • Restorative Practices Workshops for teachers

    Meet the students


    “My name is Sofia and I am 15 years old. Ever since I was little, I have dreamed of graduating from college and exploring different careers, but my greatest desire is to open my own veterinary practice or a shelter for animals in need.

    In my free time, I immerse myself in psychology podcasts, and I would love to see improvements in my community and school, from mental health care to improving our facilities.

    I hope that together we can build a future where young people have the opportunity to achieve their dreams and thrive to the fullest.”

    —Sofía, 15

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    “My name is Harold and I am 15 years old. For as long as I can remember, I have dreamed of graduating from college and exploring the world of higher education. I’m still undecided whether I will pursue the path of law or architecture, but I know that in both fields I could make a difference. Another big dream of mine is to excel as a dancer, and I spend most of my free time honing my skills.

    In our community, young people face challenges such as lack of self-confidence, attitude problems, and problems with food. My dream is to address these issues by creating human rights awareness groups and workshops that promote healthy eating and vocational guidance.

    As for my school, I would love to see it grow and expand with the addition of a second floor in the third cycle and the inclusion of baccalaureate teaching in its facilities, which would give more students the opportunity to continue their education in our institution.”

    —Harold, 15

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    Meet a teacher

    “My name is Roxana, principal of Centro Escolar Marcelino García Flamenco.

    In our school, we face several challenges that test our ability to provide quality education to our students. The lack of adequate resources, especially in infrastructure and equipment, hinders our daily work. In addition, the social and economic situation of some of our students impacts their academic and emotional development, requiring a comprehensive approach to support them in their personal and educational growth.

    Despite these challenges, our commitment to educational excellence remains steadfast, and we work tirelessly to overcome obstacles and provide meaningful and enriching learning opportunities for all.

    Beyond the constraints we face, we are a team committed to the progress and well-being of our students. We have a dedicated and passionate teaching staff, working in partnership with parents and the community to ensure a safe, inclusive and stimulating learning environment.

    In addition, our institution stands out for its focus on values and its commitment to the holistic development of each student.”

    — Teacher Roxana

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    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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