Centro Escolar Colonia San Ramón

Mejicanos, El Salvador

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School details



64 students



Kindergarten 4 to 9th grade


Year founded


About the school’s needs

Mejicanos is one of the districts that belong to the distribution of San Salvador Centro.

Within it is located the Centro Escolar Colonia San Ramón, a neutral space that welcomes children and young people for academic and attitudinal training, but faces challenges regarding infrastructure and coexistence.

Help give the children of the Centro Escolar Colonia San Ramón the future they deserve.

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We’ll reach out with next steps. Thank you for your support!

    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • Reconstruction due to building damage
    • Workshops on mental health and promotion of healthy coexistence among students
    • Improving the perception of the School Center
    • Eradicating bullying among students
    • A professional psychologist to work with both students and teachers
    • Infrastructure improvements including construction of classrooms, new desks, fans in classrooms, painting, spaces for student recreation and food intake, and roofing of the patio for activities

    Meet the students


    “I’m Alisson, I’m 15 years old and I would love to be a cook and travel the world to help my family financially.

    I like to draw, sew, make bracelets and play with my cousin. I study at the Centro Escolar Colonia San Ramón in Mejicanos, a place that means a lot to me, but where I would like there to be no bullying or mistreatment of other students.

    I think it would be very valuable to have workshops that promote harmony and respect for others. I would love to see my school more colorful, full of recreational spaces and always clean.”

    —Alisson, 15

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    “My name is René, I’m 13 years old and my dream is to work for an airline and be the best purser.

    Among my favorite things to do are sleeping and dancing. I study at Centro Escolar Colonia San Ramón in Mejicanos, and I would like it to be a school where there is no discrimination of any kind, neither because of our parents’ jobs, nor because of the area where the school is located.

    I dream of a renovated school, with colors and landscapes, and also with spaces for everyone to live together.”

    —René, 13

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    Meet a teacher

    “My name is Carlos and I am the director of the Centro Escolar Colonia San Ramón in Mejicanos.

    Our biggest challenge in this school is to educate children and young people in an environment that is safe, clean and pleasant for them. We are currently facing challenges such as the closure of one of our buildings due to structural damage. However, we are a united team, with good communication and enthusiasm to contribute to the students.

    This school is a joyful space where we have students with great potential and talent and where we promote progress, training and learning while having fun.

    This would be a great opportunity for any support that we as a school and a community could receive.”

    —Teacher Carlos

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    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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