Centro Escolar Instituto Nacional de Santa Ana

Santa Ana, El Salvador

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School details



3,442 students



7th grade through high school


Year founded


About the school’s needs

The community of Santa Ana faces the challenge of providing greater social-development opportunities for families.

Young people struggle daily to take advantage of the opportunities presented to them, while being tempted by criminal groups that steer them away from the right path.

Help give the children of the Centro Escolar Instituto Nacional de Santa Ana the future they deserve.

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We’ll reach out with next steps. Thank you for your support!

    What your sponsorship does at this school

    • Special staff for psychosocial support
    • Adequate space for psychological care
    • Rehabilitation of green areas
    • New desks
    • Replacement of windows and the roof
    • Improvement to sports courts

    Meet the students


    “I like to go out with my family and friends and visit Lake Coatepeque. After finishing my medical degree, I would like to specialize in surgery and speak English well. 

    I think one of the challenges we face the most as young people is having support. Many times, we feel sad, with problems, and we don’t feel supported. 

    I hope that, with Sponsor a School, we can have spaces in our school where we can be supported, staff who help us care about our emotions, more pleasant spaces for classes, and healthy recreation.”

    —Dafne, 15

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    “I like to read about topics that invite me to reflect. I also listen to music as a way to express my emotions. One of my big dreams is to have my own dance group, to be able to perform in different places and teach others. 

    Many times, as young people, we don’t have people who believe in our potential, or who believe that we can achieve many important things in our lives. This damages our self-esteem. That is why I would like my community to believe in us and give us support when we are going through problems at home, because it affects our studies. 

    [I would also like] infrastructure in better conditions.”

    —Johan 17

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    Meet the director

    “I am Ismael, the director of the Instituto Nacional de Santa Ana. We have the challenge of having adequate pedagogical tools to meet the student demand, focused on practices for each high school specialty. 

    There is a big job ahead of us because we must counteract the dropout rate of our students. Many of them go out to work due to the lack of economic resources in their families. We continue to motivate them to keep studying with the distance learning modality that we have. We want to have spaces and special personnel for self-care and management of emotions because we have many teachers and students who are going through many problems and do not know how to handle them.

    We have very talented students with many skills. Support both in infrastructure and psychological areas will allow us to provide a better education for this generation of young people, who see this institute as a center for self-improvement.”

    —Director Ismael

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    Get started today

    Every child has the right to learn and the potential to thrive. Help these students unlock their potential.

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